Act 2 Scene 4

Characters: Ross, Macduff, Old man

Time: unknown

Location: Outside Macbeths castle

Events: Ross and his father the old Man talk about how the World is now unbalanced. Macduff joins the two of them

Act 2 Scene 3

Characters: Porter, Macduff, Lennox, Macbeth, Banquo, Donalbain, Malcolm, Lady Macbeth,

Location: Courtyard of Macbeth’s castle

Time: Early morning

Events: Macduff and Lennox arrive at Macbeth’s castle to see King Duncan. Macbeth greats them both and they talk of the King. Macduff then leaves to see if the King has awoken. Macduff returns with the horrific news that someone has slaughtered the King in his bed. Macbeth acts innocent to his crime, whilst the others mourn their loss.

Quote:        “Against the divulged pretense I fight
Of treasonous malice.”

Act 2 Scene 1

Characters: Macbeth, Banquo, Fleance

Location: Macbeths castle

Time: Almost midnight

Events: Banquo and Fleance talk about how the night is going. Macbeth enters and starts to talk to Banquo. Banquo says he dreamed of the 3 witches the night before. Banquo leaves and Macbeth talks to himself about the imaginary knife hanging in-front of him.

Act 1 scene 6

Characters: Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross, Angus, Lady Macbeth

Location: Inverness, Macbeth’s castle

Time: Unknown, Before Macbeth’s castle

Events: Duncan and Banquo enter Macbeth’s castle and discuss how pleasant it is. Lady Macbeth approaches and Duncan thanks her for allowing their visit. Duncan asks where Macbeth is because he raced of ahead of them as they rode towards Inverness.

Quote:    “conduct me to mine host: we love him highly”




One metaphor that Shakespeare uses in Macbeth is “the Raven himself is hoarse”. Shakespeare is trying to say that even the signs of death

Act 1 Scene 5

Characters: Lady Macbeth, messenger, Macbeth

Location: Inverness, Macbeth’s castle.

Time: Unknown

Events: Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth detailing his encounter with the 3 Witches and how they claim he will be King. Lady Macbeth fears for his lack of courage to be king and she wishes for the evilness to help him fulfill the prophecy.  Macbeth arrives home and informs Lady Macbeth that King Duncan is visiting the next day.

Quote: “Of dire cruelty! make thick my blood”

Act 1 Scene 4

Characters: Duncan, Malcolm, Macbeth, Donalbain, Lennox, Banquo, Angus, Ross

Location: The Castle of Forres

Time: Unknown, sometime after the Macbeth and Banquo met the witches at the heath

Events: King Duncan and His sons wait for Macbeth and Banquo to arrive. King Duncan congratulates the both of them on the battle.



Act 1 Scene 3

Characters: The 3 witches, Macbeth, Banquo, Angus, Rosse

Location: A heath

Time: Unknown, after the battle


Chapter 1 Scene 2

Characters: King Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Lennox, Ross, bleeding sergeant, angus

Location: A camp near the Castle of Forres

Time: Unknown, sometime after the battle

Events: A bleeding sergeant retells the first half of the battle to the King and Malcolm. The sergeant is then taken off to see the surgeons to heal his wounds. The Thane of Ross enters, and continues telling the story of the battle that has just taken place. King Duncan plans on the killing of the traitor The thane of Cawdor.

Quote: “What he hath lost, Macbeth has won”